What Does a Strata Manager Do?
Having a strata manager is not only helpful to residents and their property, but it is also important to ensure that residents live in a well-maintained environment. A good manager can help manage disputes and make sure that the property is in good working order. They will also be able to help the residents by buying insurance, hiring contractors and maintaining professional indemnity insurance.
Help with managing and resolving disputes
You should do your best in looking for a strata manager on the Gold Coast. Strata managers are often looked upon to settle disputes between residents. This role is vital to maintaining the peace and harmony of a strata complex. They ensure that conflicts are resolved in an efficient and timely manner.
Strata managers are also able to resolve conflicts between developers and government bodies. They will ensure that the rights of residents are protected and that rules are enforced. They can also organize urgent repairs and routine maintenance of common areas. They can also help homeowners find the best home insurance policy.
In addition, they can also help homeowners resolve disputes that have arisen between neighbours and with the government. They can provide a venue for meetings, obtain title searches and issue certificates. They also keep accurate records of all important developments in Strata Properties.
Hire contractors
Having a contractor on hand is a good idea if you need to do some big projects. A contractor has a network of distributors and can get materials quickly. He or she also knows building codes in your area. You can also take advantage of volume pricing from distributors.
A contractor also has the benefit of knowing how to make a large project run smoothly. Having a contractor is also a good way to keep your community in good repair.
You can also hire a contractor for a one-time project. You can find someone in your area who has a good reputation for doing work on time and for a reasonable price. It is also a good idea to verify their insurance.
Buy insurance
Buying insurance as a strata manager can help protect your property. You should consult a qualified strata insurance broker for more information. The insurance agent will provide you with advice on how to minimize risk.
The policy is designed to protect the common areas of a group of properties. Common areas can include parking lots, gardens, lifts, car parks, and even wiring and ceilings.
The policy can also cover damages caused by severe weather. Your strata corporation can also buy insurance to cover appliances, like ducted air conditioning. In addition, the insurance can also cover sewer backup.
The policy will also cover theft of common area contents. However, you will not get coverage for personal items of the unit holders.
You should also discuss other insurance needs with your insurance broker. Your strata corporation may also need to buy workers compensation insurance.
Maintain professional indemnity insurance
Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, it’s important to know how to maintain professional indemnity insurance. This may mean keeping the coverage intact after a contract ends or even winding up a professional liability company. Keeping the cover can protect you from financial hardships.
Professional indemnity insurance can cover you in the event of errors or omissions in your business. The cover will also provide you with assistance in defending claims.
Choosing the right insurance isn’t always an easy task. There are a lot of variables to consider, including the amount of coverage you need, your industry and the types of claims you might encounter. Fortunately, there are a number of insurance brokers who can help you find the right policy.